- Improve workforce productivity
- Manpower-lean workforce
- Improve employee experience to better attract and retain talents
- Improve customer experience
What is it?
Jointly developed by Workforce Singapore (WSG) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG), the Job Redesign Framework for Retail aims to help retailers build a future-ready and productive workforce in response to today’s growing digital economy.
Amid the highly competitive retail landscape today, consumers seek unique and engaging shopping experiences that transit seamlessly, from offline to online, and vice versa. As retailers innovate and adopt technology to overcome disruption and meet evolving customer needs, it is equally important to relook job scopes and equip employees with the right skills to deliver an optimal retail experience. This includes automating repetitive tasks or redeploying existing employees to higher-value roles.
Who can apply?
Job Redesign for the Retail sector is open to all Retail enterprises who are keen to become manpower-lean and to create quality jobs and meaningful careers for their workforce through job redesign.
How does it work?
The following resources are available to help Food Services enterprises embark on and sustain job redesign efforts:
The Job Redesign Framework for Retail guides retailers in reviewing their employees’ job scopes, enabling them to improve productivity and efficiency, optimise workforce, and improve job attraction and retention. Specifically, it helps retailers go through three phases of job redesign:
1. Diagnose – Identify problem areas and define the job redesign plan;
2. Redesign – Select job redesign solution and create implementation and communications plans;
3. Implement – Deploy solution and measure outcomes
Click here for the Retail Job Redesign quick guide.
Watch how these retail companies have benefited from job design.
Benjamin Barker https://youtu.be/8FfkmLPcu5I
“Our motto at Benjamin Barker has always been, Technology Enabled, People Managed. People are the fundamental core element of any business. And that is why we are investing a lot in upskilling and training them so that they can have a more meaningful job and find a purpose in what they are doing.” -- Mr Damien Tan, Chief Operating Officer, Benjamin Barker
Sheng Siong Group https://youtu.be/IjFwGsEsfVk
“With the automated Hybrid Self-Checkout System (HSCO), my cashiers no longer need to manage cash. They only need to help the customers with the scanning and bagging of their goods and the customer heads to the payment kiosks to pay on their own. My cashiers now feel less stressful and have more time to interact with the customers.” -- Mr Lim Hock Chee, Chief Executive Officer Sheng Siong Group
Star International https://youtu.be/3Vuqvuk-0fc
“These may be small changes but they have improved our staff’s quality of work substantially. They are now happier at work, are more engaged and have higher job satisfaction. This is important because a highly engaged team will be better able to fulfil our company’s mission, which is to furnish lives, one home at a time.” -- Ms Xu Xue Ting, Group General Manager. Star International Operator of “Star Living”
Retail enterprises that are keen to engage third-party consultancy services for job redesign can tap on funding support under the following programmes:
- Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR), where pre-approved Job Redesign consultants can help enterprises to redesign work processes, tasks and responsibilities to support business transformation and make jobs more attractive to locals
Retail enterprises may tap on the Redeployment Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for Retail Sector to support in-company redeployment. The CCP aims to help companies undergoing business transformation to reskill and redeploy employees affected by business transformation.
Click here for more information on Redeployment CCP for Retail Sector